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Project Piaba has a vast library of resources compiled for the scientific and hobbyist communities. Search below for links to publications
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Project Piaba Publications
2019 Project Piaba Annual Report and Mid-Year 2020 Update (September 2020)
2018 Project Piaba Annual Report (September 2019)
2017 Project Piaba Annual Report
Montgomery, S., Amazon Adventures, How Tiny Fish are Saving the World’s Largest Rainforest. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2017)
Tuccinardi, M., The Tiny Amazon City that Supplies Aquarium Fish to the World. Atlas Obscura (August 30, 2016)
Montgomery, S., New England Aquarium employee’s lifelong obsession with fish. Boston Globe, (April 13, 2015)
Montgomery, S., Buy a Fish, Save a Tree. A counterintuitive fishery in Brazil’s Amazon yields 40 million tropical fish a year while protecting the rainforest. Discover Magazine, (April, 2013)
Scientific Publications
Hélio Beltrão, Jansen Zuanon, Efrem Ferreira Checklist of the ichthyofauna of the Rio Negro basin in the Brazilian Amazon
Phang, Cooperman, Lynch, Steel, Elliott, Murchie, Cooke, Dowd, Cowx, Fishing for Conservation (April 2019)
Brian McFarland, Rapid Assessment (May, 2018)
Dexter and Chave, Evolutionary patterns of range size, abundance and species richness in Amazonian angiosperm trees. PeerJ 4:e2402; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2402 (September, 2016)
Alho, C., Reis, R., Aquino, P., Amazonian freshwater habitats experiencing environmental and socioeconomic threats affecting subsistence fisheries, Ambio 2015, 44: 412–425 (January 9, 2015)
Zehev BS, Vera A, Asher B, Raimundo R ., Ornamental Fishery in Rio Negro (Amazon region), Brazil: Combining Social, Economic and Fishery Analyses. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 6: 143. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 2015
New Knowledge Research Report, Inspiring Conservation Minded Fish Hobbyists through Zoo and Aquarium Exhibits (November 2015) New Knowledge Report 2015
Reis, R., Introducing FFSG Regions: South America, IUCN FFSG Newsletter, March 2014
Brazil’s submission of a forest reference 1 emission level for deforestation in the Amazonia biome for results-based payments for REDD+ under the UNFCCC. Brazil 2014 FREL Submission
Reis, R., Conserving Freshwater Fishes of South America. International Zoo Yearbook (2013) 47: 65-70 The Zoological Society of London
Tlusty, M.F., Rhyne, A.L., Kaufman, L., Hutchins, M., Reid, G.M., Andrews, C., Boyle, P., Hemdal, J., MGilvray, F. and Dowd, S., Opportunities for Public Aquariums to Increase the Sustainability of the Aquatic Animal Trade. Zoo Biology, 32: 1-12 (January-February, 2013)
Gomes, L., C., et al, Benefits of using the probiotic EfinolsL during transportation of cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon
axelrodi (Schultz), in the Amazon. Aquaculture Research, 2009, 40, 157-165. Aquaculture Research, 2009
Dowd, S., Observations on the Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) Ornamental Fishery with an Emphasis on Assessments of Stress, Stirling University Thesis, (May 2003)
Tlusty, M.F., The benefits and risk of aquaculture production for the aquarium trade. Aquaculture 205: 203-219 (May, 2002)
Chao, N.L., Petry, P., Prang, G., Sonneschein, L. and Tlusty, M.F., Conservation and management of ornamental fish resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil – Project Piaba. Editoria da Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil. 303 pages, 2001
Chao, N. L., Petry, P., Prang, G., Sonneschein, L., Tlusty, M.F., The Fishery, Diversity, and Conservation of Ornamental Fishes in the Rio Negro Basin, Brazil – A Review of Project Piaba (1989 – 99). In Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil: Project Piaba. Ning L Chao, et al, eds. Pp. 161-204. Manaus, Amazonas: Editora Universidade do Amazonas. Editora da Universidade do Amazonas, 2001 – pages 161-204
Dowd, S., An Aquarist’s Experience Leading Amazon River Expeditions and Hobbyist Involvement in Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil: Project Piaba. Ning L Chao, et al, eds. Pp. 37-42. Manaus, Amazonas: Editora Universidade do Amazonas. Editora da Universidade do Amazonas, 2001 – pages 37-42
Waichman, A.V., et al, Water Quality Monitoring During the Transport of Amazonian Ornamental Fish In Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil: Project Piaba. Ning L Chao, et al, eds. Pp. 279-299. Manaus, Amazonas: Editora Universidade do Amazonas, 2001
Watson, I., The Role of the Ornamental Fish Industry in Poverty Alleviation, Project No. V0120 NRI Report 2504 Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK (April, 2000)
Dowd, S., Tlusty, M., Conservation Spotlight. Working toward a sustainable natural resource. AZA Endangered Species Update, 17: 88-90, April, 2000
Chao, N. L., Prang G., Project Piaba – towards a sustainable ornamental fishery in the Amazon. Aquarium Sciences and Conservation, 1, 105-111pp.:: Kullander, S. & S. Prada-Pedreros. 1993. Nannacara adoketa, a new species of cichlid fish from the Rio Negro in Brazil. Ichtyol. Explor. Freshwaters, 4 (4):357-366.
Chao, N. L. e S. Prada-Pedreros. Diversity and conservation of ornamental fishes and fishery of Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. In Voigtlander C. W. (ed.) Theme 3. Protection of aquatic biodiversity. Proceedings of World Fisheries Congress, May 3-8, 1992, Athens, Greece. Oxford & IBH Publ. New Delhi Pub., pp 241-260.
Chao, N. L. e S. Prada-Pedreros. O cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, e diversidade dos peixes ornamentais do Rio Negro, Amazonas. p.35-51. Anais do VII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Pesca, Santos-SP, 22 a 26 de julho de 1991. Associaç o dos Engenheiros de pesca de Pernambuco, Recife, 1994.
Chao, N. L., Diversity and conservation of ornamental fishes – the gems from flooded forests in Amazonia. Canadian Biodiversity, 2 (2):2-7. (Summer, 1992)
Voigtlander (ed.) Theme 3. Protection of aquatic biodiversity. Proceedings of World Fisheries Congress, May 3-8, 1992, Athens, Greece. Oxford & IBH Publ. New Delhi.
Trade Publications
OFI Journal, February 2018 Case Studies of Beneficial Aquarium Fisheries
OATA’s President, Dominic Whitmee on the Expedition to the Rio Negro Fishery From River to Aquarium 2017
Conservation Spotlight Project Piaba, AZA Connect Magazine, November, 2016
OATA Report Wild Caught Fish, the trade, the benefits, the facts. OATA (June 2016)
New Knowledge Report, Inspiring Conservation Minded Fish Hobbyists through Zoo and Aquarium Exhibits (November 2015)
Dowd, S., New Direction in Brazil Aquarium Fish Production. Ornamental Fish International Journal, 79: 9-11 (October 2015)
Dawes, J., International Waters. Pet Product News (September, 2015)
Tuccinardi, M., New Bedfellows in World of Freshwater Aquarium Trade. Amazonas Magazine (July 2015)
Bassleer, G., Presidents Report. Ornamental Fish International Journal 78: 2-4 (May, 2015)
Tuccinardi, M., Cardinal Sins. Amazonas Magazine (April 2015)
Tuccinardi, M., Segrest Farms Unveils Massive Dedicated Soft Water System. Amazonas Magazine Blog (March 17,2015)
Hill, N., Now is the time to be ethical. Practical Fishkeeping, (March 13, 2015)
Tuccinardi, M., Touring the Export Facilities of Manaus, Tropical Fish Hobbyist (March 2015)
Dawes, J., 2015. Historic Rio Negro Geographical Indication Status for Piabas. Ornamental Fish International Journal 77: 19-20 (February, 2015)
Tuccinardi, M., A Tropical Fish Export Bottleneck: Barcelos. Trpical Fish Hobbyist (November 2014)
Tuccinardi, M., Fishing with the Piabeiros of Brazil’s Rio Negro. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 74-80 (July, 2014)
Tlusty, M.F., Rhyne, A.L., Dowd, S., Kaufman, L., Controlling Destiny of the Trade: Proactive steps now can address the major impediments to developing a more sustainable ornamental fish industry. Ornamental Fish International Journal 75: 23-26 (May, 2014)
Firchau, B., Dowd, S. and Tlusty, M.F., Beyond Sustainability. How to Create Protected Areas and Provide for Exhibits in the Future by Promoting a Socially and Environmentally Beneficial Aquarium Fish Trade. Connect Magazine Association of Zoos and Aquariums 16-18 (August, 2013)
Tlusty, M.F., Dowd, S., Raghavan, P.R., Saving forests through the fisheries – ornamental fisheries as a means to avoid deforestation. Ornamental Fish International Journal 56: 21-25 (February, 2008)
Norris, S., Chao, N. L., Buy a Fish, Save a Tree. Conservation Magazine (July, 2008)
Tlusty, M.F., Ornamental Aquaculture: Small scale of production does not necessarily mean small scale of impact. Ornamental Fish International Journal 46: 6-9 (October, 2004)
Chao, N. L., Saving the rain forest’s endangered ornamentals. Today’s Aquarist. 6(6):4-8.:: Chao, N. L. 1996. Project Piaba – Update. Aquatic Survival, 5(1):15-16.
Prang, G., Pursuing the sustainable development of wild caught ornamental fishes in the middle Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. Aquatic Survival, 5 (1): 1, 6-8.
Prang, G., The collection and distribution of wild-caught ornamental fishes of the middle Rio Negro, amazonas, Brazil. OFI Journal, No.16, p.4-5.
Chao, N. L, (in 3 parts). Ornamental fish resources of Amazonia and aquatic conservation. OFI Journal, Part 1. Species diversity, No. 12, p.10-12 (August, 1995); Part 2. Protection and aquatic conservation, No. 13, p. 4-5 (November, 1995); Part 3. List of Species that can be captured, commercialized and exported legally from Brazil, No. 14, p.12-13 (February, 1996)
Chao, N. L. Ornamental fish resources of Amazonia and aquatic conservation. Conference Proceedings of AQUARAMA ’95, Singapore, 25-28 May, 1995, p. 31-40.
Chao, N. L., Project Piaba. Aquatic survival, 3(1), p. 12.
Chao, N. L., Conservation of Rio Negro ornamental fishes. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 41 (5):99-114. (January, 1993)
Chao, N. L. Exploring the Rio Demini in the dry season. Tropical Fish hobbyist, 41(3):131-146. (#441, November, 1992)
Chao, N. L. Into the Flooded Forest. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 41(2):94-110. (#440, October, 1992)
Chao, N. L., Ornamental fishes and fisheries of the Rio Negro. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 40(12):84-102. (August, 1992)
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